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Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Maskot-Maskot EURO (EURO Mascots)

Each UEFA European Football Championship since 1980 has its own mascot. Pinocchio, the mascot for the 1980 competition, was the first European Football Championship mascot.[1]

The European Football Championship mascot is mostly targeted at children with cartoon shows and other merchandise released to coincide with the competition.

European Football Championship Mascot(s) Description


Based on the character from the children's story of the same name. Pinocchio comprised a small wooden boy with long nose in the colours of the Italian national flag and a white hat emblazened with EUROPA 80.[1][2]


A white cockerel, a traditional national symbol of France, dressed in a French coloured football strip including football boots and white gloves.[3]
West Germany


A cartoonised German Grey Rabbit with human shaped body. Berni wore an outfit in the colours of the German national flag with a black football jersey with UEFA across the front, red football shorts and yellow or golden socks additionally with white head and wristbands. Mostly depicted while jumping and controlling a football.


The Swedish mascot was also a rabbit in the national colours with head and wristbands controlling a football like the mascot from four years previously and was called name of Rabbit.


Goaliath was designed in a similar fashion to the original World Cup mascot from 1966 World Cup called World Cup Willie. Goliath comprised a lion, the image on the English football teams crest, dressed in an England football strip and football boots whilst holding a football under his right arm.


A lion with a devils tail and human hands. The name Benelucky, is a portmanteau of "Benelux", the term for the three nations of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and the ending "-lucky" wishing the participating teams "good luck".

It wore football boots and held a football under its left arm.

One of the most striking characteristics of Benelucky was its multicoloured lions mane which incorporated the colours of both the Belgian and Dutch national flags.



A cartoon version of a boy dressed in the Portugal football strip. The mascot's name, Kinas, is taken from "Bandeira das Quinas", which is a name for Portugal's national flag.

Trix and Flix

A twin set of mascots two represent the two host countries, Austria and Switzerland. The Warner Brothers design was of two child like characters both dressed in football strips comprising solely red and white, the colours of the national flags of Austria and Switzerland.

sumber : wikipedia

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